How-To: Butt Kicks

Next in the How-To Series is another high-intensity exercise meant to drive up your heart rate. I introduce you to yet another warmup exercise: the butt kicks.

The butt kicks (or butt kickers in other fitness communities) involve kicking your shins to meet just below or at the glutes with your heels, depending on leg length. The repetition in this exercise is meant to warm up the quadriceps, hamstrings, and the hip flexors.

In order to properly engage in this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart or slightly wider than hip-width apart. Next, bring one heel from off the floor and raise it to your buttocks. While the heel is raised off the floor, use the opposite arm in a pumping motion, just like in the high knees exercise. Then, bring that heel back down and raise the opposite heel to your other glute. Same motion applies with the other opposite arm. Repeat the exercise until you work your way up to the desired speed and comfort level.

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