How-To: Lunges

When it comes to fitness, we must work all parts of our body. In the fitness community, I’m sure you have heard the saying: “Never skip leg day.”

This particular exercise can be used to warm up your quadriceps, the gluten, and the hamstrings. I introduce you to the lunge.

sportswoman doing stretching exercise on mat
Photo by Gustavo Fring on

As seen in the image above, in a proper lunge, you have knees bent at a 90-degree angle. The front leg has a flat foot and knee bent but not overtaking the foot placement. In other words, the knee should not be bent over the foot. The other leg is positioned behind. Make sure you have your chest raised with a straight back.

In a regular lunge, you can perform them with your body weight to condition your lower body. If you would like a challenge, then you can add resistance bands or free weights. When using weights or any added resistance, it is best to perform reverse lunges. You do not want to overload the knee that is front-lunging, because you would be at risk for a knee injury.

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